Giant Red Fuji Apples

from SGD 1.90
sold out

1 PC of Giant Red Apple for $1.90

Bundle of 5 Giant Red Apples for $7.00

Bundle of 10 Giant Red Apples for $12.50

1 Carton of 36 Red Apples for $42.00 (Wholesale Price)

When Ripe Consume Within: 8 Days

Country of Origin: China

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Apples contain Vitamins C, K, A, E, B1, B2, B6, manganese and copper.
To get the most out of apples, leave the skin on — it contains half of the fiber and many of the polyphenols.

Health Benefits:
May help Promote Good Gut Health, Protect the Brain, Good for Bone Health, Boosts Immune System